
About us

The Presbyterian Church of Kennett Square is..

a growing community of people with the vision that all who share life with us would "taste and see that the Lord is good!" (Psalm 34:8). As such, we are people who: 
  • have experienced undeserved grace from God
  • long to lead lives in joyful response to God's surprising gift of the gospel
  • aim to share a message that is not about morality but about transformation through grace
  • exhibit an engaging love and concern for our neighbors in the Kennett Square area

Our Vision & Mission

At PCKS we believe that every human being was made to know and to enjoy our creator. Psalm 34 sings of God’s love and his rescue of all who call out to Him, of His strength and justice, as well as His everlasting mercies and loving kindness. This psalm invites us to know and obey God and sets a clear vision for us in our personal and in our communal lives. So come, join us as we all seek “the life that is truly life” (I Timothy 6:19) that together may we “taste and see that the Lord is good!” 

Once we have encountered God’s grace, what then? What are we supposed to do next? 

Mission Statement: We believe that God has called the people of PCKS to build His church, serve society, and steward creation with a focus in the Kennett Square community. 

Right before Jesus ascended to his throne after the resurrection, he commissioned us, his church, to “go and make disciples” (Matt 28:18-20). At PCKS we believe that God has called us to focus our ministry and mission on the following: 

  • Building the Church (through evangelism, teaching and fellowship) – Our highest calling is to know and love God. We work to bring people to maturity in their knowledge and love of God (Ephesians 4:11-16) by joyfully sharing the good news, dedicating ourselves to the study of God’s Word and by sharing our lives with each other as members of one family (Acts 2:42). Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we grow in repentance, faith, and obedience. Rooted in love, we commit to deeply knowing and following Jesus. 
  • Serving Society (through compassion and justice) – Our response to Jesus sending us ‘into the world’ (John 17:18) is to love and to serve (Matt. 20:26-28); to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13); to do good, not evil (Romans 12:17); and to ‘seek the welfare’ of the people around us (Jeremiah 29:7). We are committed to serving our parish (local) community, defined by a one-mile radius from PCKS (see Appendix D). Beyond our Kennett Square community, we seek the Holy Spirit’s leading for how and where we engage with the greater region, country, and ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). 
  • Stewarding Creation (through culture making and creation care) – Christ’s church is called to fulfill the cultural mandate (Appendix H) to be stewards of creation as given to humanity in Genesis 1:28. This mandate has two components: to cultivate in this world things that contribute to human flourishing, and to protect and care for God’s creation (Appendix I). As Herman Bavinck puts it, “Adam had to subdue the earth and have dominion over it, and this he must do in a twofold sense: he must cultivate it, open it up, and so cause to come up out of it all the treasures which God has stored there for man’s use; and he must also watch over it, safeguard it, protect it against all evil that may threaten it, must, in short, secure it against the service of corruption in which the whole of creation now groans.”


All our ministries, events, and programs should reflect and embody these missional priorities. The priorities of building the church, serving society, and stewarding creation are not in competition with each other for attention, energy, nor resources. Rather, their pursuit will enhance and support each other in a way to fulfill our role on this earth until Jesus returns in glory.

Wherever you are in your faith journey - skeptical or curious about Christianity, or a committed follower of Jesus Christ - we invite you to look around our website, and (better yet!) get in touch with us to find out how we might encourage you. You’ll discover that we are committed to being a worshipping, learning, praying, caring, serving and welcoming community (although because we are all flawed people, as you'll discover when you meet us, we still get it wrong sometimes!).

Our Staff


Reverend Ken Buck

Transitional Pastor

Ken is the Transitional Pastor of The Presbyterian Church of Kennett Square (PCKS).

He is providing the preaching and pastoral leadership of the church,

as well as taking PCKS through an 18-month process to build unity, promote fellowship,

focus on the mission of the church, and prepare PCKS for the call of a permanent pastor.

Ken grew up in southwest Florida. He got his undergraduate degree in
Philosophy from Cedarville University in Ohio and received his Master of
Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. He has been in ministry for over
25 years and has served numerous churches in the Evangelical Presbyterian
Church. For the last two years, Ken was Transitional Pastor of Twin Tiers
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Big Flats, NY.

Ken and his wife, Kathryn, have been married for over 20 years and have four
children, Miles, Noelle, Claire, and Juliette. Ken’s hobbies include cooking,
smoking brisket, coffee, and kayaking, and he is borderline obsessed with the
Eagles and Sixers.


  • Church Administrator

    Carolyn Brady

    Church Secretary and Custodian

    Monica Walker


    The ministry of Deacons as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. The PCKS Deacons are devoted to the mission of caring for the active members and regular attenders of our church family with compassion and love. The Deacons are responsible for “flocks” of 10-15 church family members each. The Deacons aim to discover, understand, and provide care to their flock members in need. They build relationships with these members to best minister to their needs and concerns. Whether illness, hospitalization, transportation, births, or bereavement, the Deacons serve and facilitate care for their "flocks". The deacons provide get well cards, sympathy cards and notes of encouragement, as well as organize meals and potluck events, rides to & from church, and home communion. This ministry is a service to Jesus Christ and demonstrates the sympathy Jesus has for all of us. Deacon candidates are nominated by the Nominating Committee, approved by the congregation, then ordained and installed as Deacons for a three-year term.

    Not shown above: Olga Stokes

    Children's Ministry

    Mackenzie Mojica

    Children's Ministry Leader

    Mackenzie has worked with youth and children for over 10 years in many different settings including community ministry, after-school programs and in her career as a teacher. She grew up in the Kennett area and is a lifelong member of PCKS. She is excited to be able to serve in the children's ministry of PCKS and be a part of helping the youngest ones grow in faith and understand God’s love for them. Mackenzie lives in Delaware with her husband and three kids where she teaches 6th grade at a bilingual school.

    Maria & Yehili Torres

    Nursery Attendants

    Maria and Yehili grew up attending Sunday school programs and events at PCKS and are now serving our youngest children in the nursery. Both Maria and Yehili have years of experience working with children of all ages. Yehili is employed as a full-time nanny for two small children and Maria is working at an internship and earning her master's degree in accounting. Maria and Yehili share a passion for little ones and look forward to caring for your children in our loving, safe, warm & healthy nursery environment.

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